
Dr. Rafael Lemaitre Carabias

Public Sector Innovation in the United Arab Emirates - How innovation occurs and what outcomes it delivers

Year: 2021

Jo Ritzen and Anthony Arundel


This study is one of the first studies to expand public sector innovation (PSI) research to the Arab world. A growing body of literature, emerging in the last decade, has analysed public sector innovation (PSI) in the Western world. While public perception has considered that governments are not highly associated with innovation, recent studies have found high levels of public innovation. This study collected PSI data using a survey conducted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The dissertation analyses the main differences and similarities between the UAE and the European, Scandinavian and Australian studies on PSI. Results indicate that while many similarities exist, the UAE follows a highly top-down approach to innovation. The study also delves into the motivations driving managers to source ideas from outside their organisations. The analysis shows that organisations with strong support for ideation and testing tend to source fewer ideas from outside the organisation. Finally this research explores the relationship between the different characteristics, activities, and processes that are correlated with innovation outcomes. Results indicate that managers’ interpersonal skills, high capabilities innovation processes and shorter development efforts have positive effects on outcomes. Finally results indicate the need of having some degree of risk aversion either at organisational or individual level to pursue better outcomes.

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Selected publications by Rafael Lemaitre Carabias

Lemaitre Carabias, Rafael, 2021, Public Sector Innovation in the United Arab Emirates - How innovation occurs and what outcomes it delivers, PhD dissertation Maastricht University / United Nations University