
Dr. Julieta Marotta

Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment of Victims of Domestic Violence through Legal Organizations in the City of Buenos Aires; A Qualitative Empirical Legal Study

Year: 2017

Jan M. Smits and Tatiana Skripka


The study explores the relation between access to justice and legal empowerment of victims of domestic violence. The study uses qualitative empirical legal methods to present the voices of relevant actors and builds upon a theoretical framework to explain the phenomenon of legal empowerment. The study conveys that developments in legal provisions and legal organisations can legally empower victims of domestic violence who obtain access to justice.

Legal provisions and legal organisations are sources to empower, while victims of domestic violence represent the individuals who exercise the process of legal empowerment when accessing to justice. The further incorporation of legal empowerment elements by legal provisions and legal organisations is justifiable because it focuses on the development of individual possibilities and freedoms of those who obtain access to justice. Legal empowerment calls for a judicial system that can accompany parties along their path to solve problems with information and assistance that will ultimately allow parties to exercise rights. The way legal provisions are drafted and organisations designed should no longer be an obstacle to access to justice and to reach legal empowerment. Fostering rights awareness in society appears as the main tool to allow individuals to voice themselves.

Selected publications by Julieta Marotta