
Dr. Cecile Cherrier

The Expansion of Basic Social Protectionin Low-income Countries: An analysis of foreign aid actors’ role in theemergence of social transfers in sub-Saharan Africa

Year: 2016

Michael Cichon & Franziska Gassmann

Non-contributory social transfers present a great potential to help tackle poverty and inequality, and support inclusive socioeconomic development. Yet, they represent a long-term financial commitment, and in environments where they are most needed, national policy makers are often reluctant to introduce them. In reaction to this situation, foreign aid actors have been allocating resources to support the expansion of social transfers in low-income countries. This research investigates the extent to which, and the mechanisms through which, foreign aid actors have influenced the emergence of permanent, scaled-up and nationally owned social transfer schemes in sub-Saharan Africa. Empirical evidence drawn from a dozen case studies establishes foreign aid actors as important players, and shows that aid can have a catalytic effect on the mobilisation of domestic resources for social transfers. A people-centred analysis reveals original understandings into social transfer policy-making processes. In particular, it uncovers the importance of personal leadership and trust as critical, yet often underestimated, factors favourable to the uptake of social transfer policies. Findings further suggest that today, perhaps more than political will or even fiscal space, the lack of implementation (and absorption) capacity appears to be a major bottleneck in the expansion of social transfers in sub-Saharan Africa. Overall, fresh insights brought by this research invite to view the process of national policy making in a new way, and to revisit the role of foreign aid actors towards the expansion of social protection in low-income countries.

Selected publications by Cecile Cherrier

External working papers
Cherrier, Cecile, Franziska Gassmann, Andres Mideros Mora & Pierre Mohnen, 2013, Making the investment case for social protection - Methodological challenges with lessons learnt from a recent study in Cambodia, UNICEF Office of Research Working Paper WP-2013-06, More information

Cherrier, Cecile, 2016, The Expansion of Basic Social Protection in Low-income Countries, PhD dissertation Maastricht University / United Nations University, More information