The Migration Lifecycle: Journeys, Integration MGR4309 


Period 5A
Start Date 14 Apr 2025
End Date 9 May 2025
ECTS credits 4
Instruction language English
Coordinator T.R. Mortimer Dubow
Teaching methods Assignment(s); Lecture(s); Presentations; Work in sub-groups
Assessment methods Presentation and paper
Keywords Integration; Irregular Migration; Return Migration; Reintegration


Full course description

This course provides a further examination of the migration lifecyle including the journey, integration, and return experiences, and provides a unique introduction to scenario planning in migration studies. The first module explores irregular migration including irregular migrants’ journeys and experiences en route and experiences of irregular stay in a destination country. The second module focuses on integration with an overview of integration theories and migrant experiences. The third and fourth modules explore return migration including decision-making, return policies, and reintegration experiences.

Course objectives

1. Provide an overview of the main concepts that are part of the migration lifecycle: migration journeys, integration processes, and return migration

2. Understand the complexity of migration processes at different stages of, and throughout, the migration “lifecycle”

3. Identify the key theories and definitions related to migration journeys and irregular migration, integration and return migration 

4. Compare and connect theoretical perspectives related to these concepts 

5. Critique current policies concerning of irregular migration, integration and return migration



Recommended reading

The recommended readings differ per week and topic. Students will find the recommended readings in the course manual and on Canvas.