Supporting academic advising through self-directed, blended learning

Mindel van de Laar, Katerina Triantos & Lutz Krebs


Academic advising and perceived agency in study choices often lead students to assembling a more suitable curriculum and ultimately lead to better learning outcomes. This paper argues that helping students sample the experience of upcoming education units can support traditional academic advising and assist students in critical reflection when picking electives.

We examine how online previews of upcoming courses offered in addition to information and advising supports students in making smart choices. Students were surveyed both before and after reviewing online course excerpts. Data was supplemented with feedback by advisors and compared with previous cohorts lacking the online component. Findings indicate students used the material to test initial plans and assumptions and became more critical in making their track selection.

Keywords: academic advising; self-directed learning; higher education; blended learning

JEL Classification: I21-I23

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