Public Policy MPP4301


Period 1A
Start Date 2 Sep 2024
End Date 31 Jan 2025
ECTS credits:  4
Instruction language:  English
Coordinator: V. Osei Kwadwo
Teaching methods: Assignments; Lectures; PBL; Work in subgroups; Presentation
Assessment methods: Participation; Final Paper
Keywords: Actors; Governance; Public Policy; Policy Process


Full course description

This course serves as common ground for the MPP. It introduces students to the main concepts and dynamics of public policy that will be deepened further in the succeeding courses. The course introduces the policy process, the politics of public policy, the role of actors/stakeholders in the policy process and strategies to facilitate public policy success. The course draws from contemporary case studies, examples from countries worldwide and adopts an interdisciplinary theoretical perspective in its delivery. Public policy is examined as a process, introducing students to the crux of problem framing, stakeholder analysis and a systematic way to understand public policy decisions while allowing insightful discussions. This course examines how policies are formulated, implemented and evaluated with emphasis on the roles of multiple actors along the policy process.

Course objectives

The goal of the course is to understand how and by whom public policy is made through the perspective of different theories. Additionally, the course aims at training students to improve their communication skills (verbal and written) and team performance. 



Recommended reading

Recommended readings for each lecture will be reported in the course manual