
Dr. Choolwe Muzyamba

The role of community mobilization on maternal health outcomes in women living with HIV in Zambia

Year: 2018

Wim Groot, Milena Pavlova and Sonila M. Tomini


This dissertation investigates the role of community mobilization in promoting maternal health in women living with HIV in Zambia. A research topic of this nature is increasingly important in an era where both maternal health and HIV/AIDS have been defined as key global health concerns in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). An intersection of pregnancy-related complications and HIV/AIDS increases the risk of morbidity and mortality by as much as four times during pregnancy. This dissertation builds on the Alma Ata declaration of 1978 which stressed the importance of involving beneficiaries in designing and implementing health programs. By use of qualitative and quantitative methods, the dissertation  provides insights on the role of community mobilization on maternal health care of women living with HIV in resource poor settings. The dissertation suggests that through its three components (peer support, TBAs and community involvement), community mobilization provides opportunities for survival in various and context-specific ways.?

Selected publications by Choolwe Muzyamba