Building Resilience and Adaptive Governance RSK4206 


Period 4B
Start Date 10 Mar 2025
End Date 4 Apr 2025
ECTS credits 4
Instruction language       English
Coordinator Valerie Graw, Dominic Sett and Eleonora Nillesen
Teaching methods Paper; Research; Skills; Lectures; Work in subgroups; Presentations; 
Assessment methods            Assessment, Final paper; Presentation; Paper;
Keywords Disaster monitoring; Disaster risk reduction and behavioural response; Resilience building; Reconstruction and recovery; Adaptive governance; Climate change adaptation.


Full course description

The ability to identify and assess conditions at risk is not necessarily sufficient to avoid crises and disasters. As such, building resilience and promoting adaptive governance are key issues in the international discourse on how to respond to the increasing frequency and magnitude of geophysical risks, disease epidemics, violent conflict, and extreme meteorological events.  Earth observation data plays a crucial role in the monitoring of a disaster as well as during the emergency response cycle. In this course, students will learn about key concepts, theories and approaches in resilience building and adaptive governance. Based on the knowledge gained in RSK4105 on how to assess risk, this course will assess the concepts and options to manage different types of risks and that contribute to building resilience. In the second part of the course students will learn how disaster risk can be monitored using earth observation data, and how such data can support disaster risk reduction at multiple levels. Students will also learn how disaster monitoring can be linked to management strategies related to the Global Development Agenda, including the SDGs.

Course objectives

  • Understand and apply relevant concepts and theories related to resilience and adaptive governance
  • Understand the role of governance in contributing to reducing risk and adapting to climate change, including by coherence building
  • Understand the range of risk management approaches, including specific local-level solutions and related opportunities and limitations
  • Learn basic concepts of optical and radar remote sensing
  • Work with Earth Observation (EO) data to conduct disaster risk monitoring with open source software and cloud-based platforms
  • Understand the opportunities and challenges  of EO for disaster risk monitoring and management




Recommended reading

Course reader