
Dr. Fernando Santiago-Rodriguez

Human resources management practices and learning for innovation in developing countries: pharmaceutical firms in Mexico

Year: 2010

Robin Cowan & Ludovico Alcorta

This doctoral thesis contributes to the literature on human resources management practices and learning for innovation in the context of developing countries. It brings together literature on: (1) systems of innovation; (2) human resource management practices and innovation performance at the level of the firm; and, (3) learning through R&D. The thesis broadly interprets R&D as learning, a mechanism promoting absorptive capacity and supporting technology capability-building.

Selected publications by Fernando Santiago-Rodriguez

Articles (journal, professional, popular)
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, 2010, `Governing ethical clinical research in developing countries: exploring the case of Mexico, Science and Public Policy, 37, More information
Dutrénit, G., Fernando Santiago-Rodriguez & A. Vera Cruz, 2006, `Influencia de la Política de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación sobre los Incentivos y Comportamiento de los Agentes: Lecciones del Caso Mexicano, Economía: Teoría y Práctica, Mexico

Book chapters
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, 2009, Developing Countries Facing the Trial of Internationalising Clinical Trials, with Some Evidence from Mexico, in: Wilfred Dolfsma, Geert Duysters, Ionara Costa, Multinationals and emerging economies: The quest for innovation, Edward Elgar, London, UK, More information
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, 2006, Valoración del programa de becas de posgrado, in: in FCCT, Bases para una Política de Estado de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en México, Foro Consultivo Científico y Tecnológico, Mexico
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, 2006, Valoración del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, in: in FCCT, Bases para una Política de Estado de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en México, Foro Consultivo Científico y Tecnológico, Mexico

Books (monograph or edited volume)
Dutrenit, Gabriela, Mario Capdeville, Juan Manuel Corona, Martin Puchet, Fernando Santiago-Rodriguez & Alexandre Vera Cruz, 2009, El sistema nacional de innovación mexicano: estructuras, políticas, desempeño y desafíos, UAM/Textual, Mexico and Uruguay, 446, More information

UNU-MERIT Working Papers
Akçomak, Semih, Abraham Garcia & Fernando Santiago-Rodriguez, 2015, UNU-MERIT at 25 years: How doctoral training at UNU-MERIT contributes to the community of scholars in the economis of innovation?, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2015-036
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando & Gabriela Dutrenit, 2010, Determinants of PRO-industry interactions in pharmaceutical R&D: the case of Mexico, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2010-053
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, 2010, Human resource management and learning for innovation: pharmaceuticals in Mexico, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2010-002
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, 2008, Facing the Trial of Internationalizing Clinical Trials to Developing Countries: With Some Evidence from Mexico, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2008-023

External working papers
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando & Ludovico Alcorta, 2008, The influence of human resource management practices on learning and innovation in developing countries: pharmaceutical firms in Mexico, Research and Statistics Branch Working Paper 07/2008 United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna

Research reports
Dutrénit, G., Mario Capdeville, Juan Manuel Corona, Martin Puchet, Fernando Santiago-Rodriguez & A. Vera Cruz, 2008, The Mexican National System of Innovation: Structures, Policies, Performance and Challenges: Background Report to the OECD Country Review of Mexico’s National System of Innovation, Comissioned by CONACYT, Mexico, 236 plus annexes

Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando & Ludovico Alcorta, 2006, Assessing Research Methodologies Linking Human Resource Management and Development Practices to Innovation, in: Conference Proceedings, International Association of Management of Technology (IAMOT) Conference, 2006, Tshingua University, China, May 22-26, 2006, ISBN: 0-9712964-8-0
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, 2002, Correlación del Ciclo Económico entre México y Estados Unidos: ¿convergencia o divergencia económica?, in: Carta de Políticas Públicas, Economics Department, UNAM, Postgraduate Division

Conference contributions
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando & Ludovico Alcorta, 2009, Human resource management and learning based on in-house R&D in a developing country context, Globelics 7th International Conference 2009
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando & Ludovico Alcorta, 2009, The influence of human resource management practices on learning and innovation in developing countries: pharmaceutical firms in Mexico, DRUID-DIME Academy Winter Conference 2009 for doctoral students in Economics and management of innovation, technology and technological change, More information
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando & Ludovico Alcorta, 2008, The influence of human resource management practices on learning and innovation: Pharmaceutical firms in Mexico, Paper presented at the GLOBELICS 6th International Conference 2008. 22 – 24 September, Mexico City
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, 2008, Policy responses to the internationalisation of clinical trials to developing countries: Exploring the case of Mexico, Paper presented at the 1st PRIME International Conference 2008. 24 -26 September, Mexico City
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando & Ludovico Alcorta, 2006, Complementary human resource management and development practices and innovation: assessing existing methodologies from a Mexican perspective, Paper presented at the DRUID-DIME Academy Winter 2006 PhD Conference: The Evolution of Capabilities and Industrial Dynamics Hotel Comwell Rebild Bakker; Skørping, Denmark; January, 26-28
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, 2006, Demand Factors Conditioning the Development of Human Resources for Innovation: Some Lessons from Mexico, Paper presented at the 4th Globelics Annual Conference 2006; Centre for Development Studies and Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Trivandrum, Kerala, India; 4-7 Octobre
Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, 2005, Linking Complementary Human Resource Management and Development Practices to Innovation Performance in Mexico, Paper presented at the 3rd Globelics Annual Conference 2005-Globelics Africa 2005: Innovation systems promoting economic growth, social cohesion and good governance Tshwane University of Technology Tshwane (Pretoria), South Africa; 31, October–4, November

Santiago-Rodriguez, Fernando, 2010, Human Resources Management Practices and Learning for Innovation in Developing Countries: Pharmaceutical Firms in Mexico, PhD Thesis Maastricht University. Prom.: Prof. Dr. Robin Cowan, More information