
Dr. Sepideh Yousefzadeh

Childhoods embargoed: constructing and reconstructing multidimensional child poverty in Iran

Year: 2013

Chris de Neubourg & Franziska Gassman

My PhD dissertation examines monetary and non-monetary dimensions of child poverty in Iran between 1984 and 2009. I define children as all persons below the age of 18 and apply a constructivist perspective in defining childhoods. The theoretical framework of the study brings in three different concepts: deprivation from basic needs, social exclusion, and cultural-political construction of childhood. Convention on the Rights of the Child is referred to as a guide in order to define different poverty dimensions. Accordingly, the following dimensions are examined in my study: education, housing, water and sanitation, child labor, information, leisure (under basic needs); parent’s employment, parents literacy, income, mobility, access to reliable sources of energy, single parenthood (social exclusion); legal protection, and child marriage (cultural and political construction). Ultimately, this dissertation aims to address some key questions: Who are the poorest of the poor? Where are disparities and how they change over time? Is it possible to identify patterns of poverty in some specific social categories (e.g. girls and ethnic groups)? What are differences and similarities between children.