Julia Walczyk MA European Public Affairs

PhD Programme Coordinator (full-time track)

Julia, a Polish national, joined the PhD Office of UNU-MERIT in March 2022, where she took up a coordinating & supporting role in the management and integration of the PhD Programme.

She has worked as an Education & Research Officer at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) of Maastricht University. Julia holds her MA degree in European Public Affairs (2021) and BA degree in European Studies (2020). Her research interests include European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds/ EU Cohesion Policy, Compliance with EU law, Implementation and Evaluation of public policies, Societal impact of university research, Science communication, EU External Relations. 

Selected publications by Julia Walczyk

Articles (journal, professional, popular)
Dotti, Nicola Francesco & Julia Walczyk (eds.), 2022, What is the societal impact of university research? A policy-oriented review to map approaches, identify monitoring methods and success factors, Evaluation and Programme Planning, 95(2022): 1-12, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2022.102157
Walczyk, Julia & Nicola Francesco Dotti (eds.), 2022, Improving compliance of the EU Cohesion Policy via prevention measures? The case of the Polish Operational Programme ‘Technical Assistance’ 2014–2020, European Spatial Research and Policy, 28(2): 195-209, DOI: https://doi.org/10.18778/1231-1952.28.2.11
Walczyk, Julia, 2021, EU Politics Series #4: “Problems with Cohesion Policy: Where Do They Come From ? What Are They ? How to Tackle Them ?, Mosaïek Magazine, More information
Walczyk, Julia, 2020, EU Politics Series #1: The EU Multi-level Governance in Cohesion Policy: Why does the EESC’s role matter ?, Mosaïek Magazine, More information
Walczyk, Julia, 2020, EU Politics Series #2: The Reduction of Regional Disparities within the European Union: (Un)successful Story of Cohesion Policy ?, Mosaïek Magazine, More information
Walczyk, Julia, 2020, EU Politics Series #3: The European Education Area 2025: Why Does It Matter ? What Is It Missing ? How To Make Better Use of EU Funding ?, Mosaïek Magazine, More information

External working papers
Walczyk, Julia, 2021, Working paper No.3 “Administrative capacity-building as the solution for effective cohesion policy performance ? The case of ‘Technical Assistance’ Operational Programme in Poland”, More information

Walczyk, Julia, 2022, How to facilitate successful management of European Structural and Investment Funds, The Cohesion Policy Funds, commonly known as the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds, are a significant source of public investments across EU countries. To make it clear: good governance and administrative capacity are essential elements to optimise Cohesion Policy investments. This blog aims to provide three policy lessons on how to design and implement the administrative capacity-building roadmaps in Cohesion Policy, More information
Walczyk, Julia, 2021, Discussion: Is the new “simplified” Cohesion Policy more complex?, This contribution will shed light on ‘the new simplified Cohesion Policy’ through two simplification mechanisms: the Common Provision Regulation (CPR) and Simplified Cost Options (SCOs), More information
Walczyk, Julia, 2021, Discussion: Fraud prevention in EU Cohesion Policy: What does it stand for ? What does it matter ? How to make it work ?, This blog post aims to provide three policy lessons on fraud prevention in Cohesion Policy. The following lessons are based upon the author’s Master’s thesis research, More information
Walczyk, Julia, 2021, Recovery and Resilience Facility and Cohesion Policy: a different kettle of fish?, Does the RRF actually resembles Cohesion Policy or is it rather a ‘different kettle of fish’ than this EU’s largest investment policy? This post seeks to answer this question by juxtaposing the RRF with Cohesion Policy, More information

Other (editorship, media appearance, keynote, etc.)
Walczyk, Julia & Ida Musiałkowska., 2021, #CPnet Theoretical reflections on EU Cohesion Policy, Theoretical reflections on EU Cohesion Policy a webinar organised by the Regional Studies Association’s Research Network on EU Cohesion Policy #CPnet, More information