Dr. Vincenzo Vinci

Affiliated Researcher

Vincenzo Vinci graduated as part of the GPAC2 PhD programme with the thesis The Relevance of Institutions and People’s Preferences for Social Protection. He holds a MA in Economics and a BA in International Politics and Government from Bocconi University, Italy. He has been working for UNICEF in the areas of social policy, programme planning, monitoring and evaluation in Indonesia, Angola, Kenya, Mali, Central Africa Republic, Nepal and currently in Ethiopia.

Selected publications by Vincenzo Vinci

Articles (journal, professional, popular)
Vinci, Vincenzo, Franziska Gassmann & Pierre Mohnen, 2022, Institutions and preferences for social protection, International Social Security Review, 75(1): 107-154, DOI: 10.1111/issr.12290, More information
Vinci, Vincenzo & Keetie Roelen, 2020, The relevance of institutions and people’s preferences in the PSNP and IN-SCT programmes in Ethiopia, International Social Security Review, 73(1): 139-167, DOI: 10.1111/issr.12230, More information

UNU-MERIT Working Papers
Vinci, Vincenzo & Keetie Roelen, 2018, Institutional factors and people's preferences in the implementation of social protection: the case of Ethiopia, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2018-017
Gassmann, Franziska, Pierre Mohnen & Vincenzo Vinci, 2016, Institutional factors and people's preferences in social protection, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2016-003

Vinci, Vincenzo, 2018, The Relevance of Institutions and People’s Preferences for Social Protection, PhD dissertation Maastricht University / United Nations University, More information