Prof. Dr. Shyama V. Ramani

Professorial Fellow

Research group(s):
5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainability Transitions (coordinator)

Shyama Ramani's research focuses on the relationships between technology, innovation and their governance for inclusive development. Her work examines the role of technology and innovation in conjunction with actor (government, firms, citizens, public laboratories, NGOs etc.) engagements  to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to gender equality, sanitation, sustainable cities and communities, education and climate change. Her earlier work revolved around three core themes: the impact of the national system of innovation on the creation of industrial competence; the use of patent and publications statistics as indicators of competitive position and comparative advantage for investment; and the creation of incentives for cooperation and coordination. Her methodology is varied, ranging from contextual analysis and case studies to the use of game theory.  Dr. Ramani holds a PhD in economics from Cornell University, USA.  She is also serial academic social-entrepreneur who has also co-founded a profit unit (Tecknowmetrix, France) as well as non-profits/charities (Sti4Change; S4S and FIN Trust in India).

Selected publications by Shyama V. Ramani