Sustainable Development Research at ICIS – Taking stock and looking ahead

books by Ron Cörvers, Joop de Kraker, René Kemp, Pim Martens & H. van Lente (Eds)

Publisher: ICIS, Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands
ISBN: 978 94 6159 647 5

ICIS, the International Centre for Integrated assessment and Sustainable development at Maastricht University was founded in 1998. The institute started as a centre for integrative studies and has become a leading institute in research and education for sustainable development. In 35 short chapters, this book presents an overview of the diversity and richness of recent and on-going sustainable development research at ICIS. In the last chapter, we reflect on the research presented and introduce ICIS’ research agenda for the coming years. The book is intended for a broad audience of fellow researchers, collaborators from outside academia, students, and in fact everyone who is interested in learning more about the topics and types of research conducted at ICIS. In this introductory chapter, we first discuss the concept of sustainable development. We then focus on sustainability science and the position of ICIS in this emerging academic field. Finally, we give an overview of the content of various chapters of the book and how these are structured into four parts. This last section as well as the table of contents will help readers locate the chapters that interest them.