Prof. Dr. Jacques Mairesse

Professorial Fellow

Research group(s):
1. Economics of Knowledge and Innovation

Jacques Mairesse's  research is applied and belongs to econometrics in the proper sense that it tries to connect empirical and theoretical analysis with particular attention to data and to methods. It centres in the field of production economics broadly understood, ranging from questions of measurement of tangible and intangible capital and assessment of performance, and from problems of implementation of panel data econometrics, to investigations of firm behaviours and productivity and technical change issues.

Mairesse has been engaged in many comparative studies, using firm micro data for France and the US or other countries, in particular to analyse various forms of investment in equipment, information and communication technology (ICT), organisational practices, R&D and innovation and their effects on productivity. His current topics of interest are in the economics of science and knowledge, with specific emphasis on performance evaluation at various levels of analysis (individual employee or scientist, firm or laboratory, industry) and on interactions between individual and collective performance and contextual and institutional factors.

Additional functions:

  • Full Professor of Applied Econometrics of Research, Innovations and Productivity, School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University
  • Research Associate, Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique - l'Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique (CREST - ENSAE), France
  •  Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., USA. Président of the Comité Scientifique et de Prospective de l'Observatoire des Sciences et techniques (OST), France. 
  • Consultant à la Direction des Etudes Microéconomiques et Structurelles, Direction Générale des Etudes et des Relations Internationales de la Banque de France (DEMS - DGEI, BDF), France.
  • Member of editorial board of Economics of Innovation and New Technology, and scientific committee of Revue Economique.




Selected publications by Jacques Mairesse

Articles (journal, professional, popular)
Rossello, Giulia, Robin Cowan & Jacques Mairesse, 2023, Ph.D. publication productivity: the role of gender and race in supervision in South Africa, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Online, DOI: 10.1007/s11123-023-00681-4, More information
Mairesse, Jacques, Michele Pezzoni & Fabiana Visentin, 2020, Does gender matter for promotion in academia? Evidence from physicists in France, Revue Economique, 71(6): 1005-1043, DOI: 10.3917/reco.716.1005, More information
Cette, G. , Jimmy Lopez & Jacques Mairesse, 2019, Rent creation and rent sharing: New measures and impacts on total factor productivity, Economic Inquiry, 57(4): 1915-1938, DOI: 10.1111/ecin.12809, More information
Mairesse, Jacques & Yilin Wu, 2019, Impacts of innovation, export, and other factors on firm employment growth in Chinese manufacturing industries, Industrial and Corporate Change, 28(1): 123-138, DOI: 10.1093/icc/dty066, More information
Mairesse, Jacques, M. Pezzoniz & Fabiana Visentin, 2019, Impact of family characteristics on the gender publication gap: evidence for physicists in France, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 44(2): 204-220, DOI: 10.1080/03080188.2019.1603884, More information
Cette, G. , J. Lopez & Jacques Mairesse, 2018, Labour market regulations and capital intensity, The Political Economy of Structural Reforms in Europe: 181-188, DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780198821878.003.0009, More information
Dobbelaere, Sabien & Jacques Mairesse, 2018, Comparing micro-evidence on rent sharing from two different econometric models, Labour Economics, 52: 18-26, DOI: 10.1016/j.labeco.2018.02.009, More information
Lööf, Hans, Jacques Mairesse & Pierre Mohnen, 2017, CDM: 20 years after, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 26(1/2): 1-5, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2016.1202522, More information
Lööf, Hans, Jacques Mairesse & Pierre Mohnen, 2017, CDM 20 years after, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 26: 1-5, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2016.1202522, More information
Cette, G. , J. Lopez & Jacques Mairesse, 2017, Upstream Product Market Regulations, ICT, R&D and Productivity, Review of Income and Wealth, 63: S68-S89, DOI: 10.1111/roiw.12252, More information
Mairesse, Jacques & S. Robin, 2017, Assessing measurement errors in the CDM research–innovation–productivity relationships, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 26: 93-107, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2016.1210771, More information
Jaumandreu, J. & Jacques Mairesse, 2017, Disentangling the effects of process and product innovation on cost and demand, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 26: 150-167, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2016.1205276, More information
Notten, Ad, Jacques Mairesse & Bart Verspagen, 2017, The CDM framework: knowledge recombination from an evolutionary viewpoint, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 26: 21-24, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2016.1202520, More information
Cette, G. , J. Lopez & Jacques Mairesse, 2016, Market regulations, prices, and productivity, American Economic Review, 106(5): 104-108, DOI: 10.1257/aer.p20161025, More information
Pezzoni, M., Jacques Mairesse, P. Stephan & J. Lane, 2016, Gender and the publication output of graduate students: A case study, PLoS ONE, 11(1), DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145146, More information
Dobbelaere, Sabien, Rodolfo Lauterbach & Jacques Mairesse, 2016, Micro-evidence on product and labor market regime differences between Chile and France, International Journal of Manpower, 37(2): 229-252, DOI: 10.1108/IJM-12-2014-0264, More information
Mairesse, Jacques & P.-M. Menger, 2015, Revue Economique: Introduction, Revue Economique, 66: 5-12, DOI: 10.3917/reco.661.0005, More information
Raymond, Wladimir, Jacques Mairesse, Pierre Mohnen & Franz Palm, 2015, Dynamic models of R & D, innovation and productivity: Panel data evidence for Dutch and French manufacturing, European Economic Review, 78: 285-306, DOI: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2015.06.002, More information
Mairesse, Jacques, Sabien Dobbelaere & K. Kiyota, 2015, Product and labor market imperfections and scale economies: Micro-evidence on France, Japan and the Netherlands, Journal of Comparative Economics, 43: 290-322, DOI: 10.1016/j.jce.2014.08.006, More information
Mairesse, Jacques & M. Pezzoni, 2015, Does gender affect scientific productivity?: A critical review of the empirical evidence and a panel data econometric analysis for French physicists, Revue Economique, 66: 65-113, DOI: 10.3917/reco.661.0065, More information
Mairesse, Jacques & M.E. Bontempi, 2015, Intangible capital and productivity at the firm level: a panel data assessment, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 24: 22-51, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2014.897859, More information
Mairesse, Jacques, R. Harrison, J. Jaumandreu & B. Peters, 2014, Does innovation stimulate employment? A firm-level analysis using comparable micro-data from four European countries, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 35: 29-43, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijindorg.2014.06.001, More information
Mairesse, Jacques, R. Bourlès & G. Cette, 2013, Do productmarket regulations in upstreamsectors curb productivity growth? Panel data evidence for oecd Countries, Review of Economics and Statistics, 95: 1750-1768, DOI: 10.1162/REST_a_00338, More information
Hall, Bronwyn, Jacques Mairesse & F. Lotti, 2013, Evidence on the impact of R&D and ICT investments on innovation and productivity in Italian firms, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 22: 300-328, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2012.708134, More information
Hall, Bronwyn, Francesca Lotti & Jacques Mairesse, 2013, Evidence on the impact of R&D and ICT investment on innovation and productivity in Italian firms, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 22(3): 300-328, DOI: 10.1080/10438599.2012.708134
Dobbelaere, Sabien & Jacques Mairesse, 2013, Panel data estimates of the production function and product and labor market imperfections, Journal of Applied Economics, 28: 1-46, DOI: 10.1002/jae.1256, More information
Mairesse, Jacques, V. Delbecque, S. le Laidier & L. Nayman, 2012, The assessment of intangible investments in France: Methods and first results [L'évaluation des investissements incorporels en France: Méthodes et premiers résultats], Economie et Statistique, 3(27), More information
Mairesse, Jacques & S. Robin, 2011, Productivité et innovations de procédé et de produit dans les entreprises industrielles et de services, Economie et Prevision, 197-198: 21-44, More information
Mairesse, Jacques, F. Lissoni, Fabio Montobbio & M. Pezzoniz, 2011, Scientific productivity and academic promotion: A study on French and Italian physicists , Industrial and Corporate Change , 20: 253-294, DOI: 10.1093/icc/dtq073, More information
Ientile, D. & Jacques Mairesse, 2011, Politicas para impulsar la I+D: Son utiles las deductiones fiscales a la I+D, Papeles de Economia Espanola, 127: 223-242
Mairesse, Jacques, R. Bourlès & G. Cette, 2010, The impact on growth of easing regulations in upstream sectors , CESifo DICE Report , 8: 8-12, More information
Goedhuys, Micheline, Norbert Janz, Jacques Mairesse & Pierre Mohnen, 2008, Micro-evidence on innovation and development (MEIDE): An introduction, European Journal of Development Research, 20(2): 167-171
Mairesse, Jacques, 2007, Comments on Panel Data Analysis: Advantages and Challenges by Cheng Hsiao, Test, 16(1): 63-70
Mairesse, Jacques & Laure Turner, 2007, Spatial Knowledge Diffusion through Collaborative Networks, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 16(1/2): 159-177
Griffith, R., E. Huergo, Jacques Mairesse & B. Peters, 2007, Innovation and Productivity across Four European Countries, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 22(4): 483-498
Autant-Bernard, C., N. Massard & Jacques Mairesse, 2007, Identifying Age, Cohort and Period Effects in Scientific Research Productivity: Discussion and Illustration Using Simulated and Actual Data on French Physicists, Papers in Regional Science, 86(3): 341-350
Mohnen, Pierre, Jacques Mairesse & M.J. Dagenais, 2007, Innovativity: A comparison across seven European countries, Economics of Innovation and New Technologies, 15(4-5): 391-413
Hall, Bronwyn, Jacques Mairesse & Laure Turner, 2007, Identifying Age, Cohort and Period Effects in Scientific Research Productivity: Discussion and Illustration Using Simulated and Actual Data on French Physicists, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 16(2): 159-177
Kremp, E. & Jacques Mairesse, 2006, Knowledge Management, Innovation and Productivity: A Firm Level Exploration Based on French Manufacturing CIS3 Data, Journal of Financial Transformation, 17: 39-47
Hall, Bronwyn & Jacques Mairesse, 2006, Empirical studies of innovation in the knowledge driven economy: An introduction, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 15(4/5): 289-299
Griffith, R., E. Huergo, Jacques Mairesse & B. Peters, 2006, Productivity across Four European Countries, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 22(4): 483-498
Greenan, N. & Jacques Mairesse, 2006, Les changements organisationnels, l’informatisation des entreprises et le travail des salariés: Un exercice de mesure à partir de données couplées enterprises / salariés, Review Economique
Greenan, N. & Jacques Mairesse, 2006, Un équipement de recherché pour observer et analyzer les réorganizations d’entreprises, Revue Economique, Introduction au no. no special sur Réorganisations, changement du travail et renouvellement des compétences, 57(6): 1121-1135
Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 2005, The importance of R&D for innovation: a reassessment using French survey data, Journal of Technology Transfer, 30(1-2): 183-197
Mairesse, Jacques, Pierre Mohnen & E. Kremp, 2005, The Importance of R&D and Innovation for Productivity: A Reexamination in Light of the 2000 French Innovation Survey, Annales d’Économie et de Statistique, 79/80: 487-527
Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 2005, The importance of R&D for innovation: a reassessment using French survey data, Journal of Technology Transfer, 30(1-2): 183-197
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 2002, Accounting for Innovation and Measuring Innovativeness : An Illustrative Framework and an Application, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 92(2): 226-230
Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 1990, Recherche-développement et productivité, un survol de la littérature économétrique, Économie et Statistique, 237-238: 99-108

Book chapters
Mairesse, Jacques & S. Robin, 2013, The Importance of Process and Product Innovation for Productivity in French Manufacturing and Service Industries , in: Martin Andersson, Börje Johansson, Charlie Karlsson, and Hans Lööf (eds), Innovation and Growth: From R&D Strategies of Innovating Firms to Economy-wide Technological Change, Oxford University Press, Oxford, DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199646685.003.0007, More information
Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 2010, Using innovation surveys for econometric analysis, in: Hall, B. H. and Rosenberg, N. (eds), Handbook of the Economics of Innovation, Elsevier, Amsterdam
Hall, Bronwyn, Jacques Mairesse & Pierre Mohnen, 2010, Measuring the Returns to R&D, in: Hall, B. and Rosenberg, N, Handbook of the Economics of Innovation, Elsevier, Amsterdam
Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 2009, Innovation surveys and innovation policy, in: D. Foray, ed, The New Economics of Technology Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, More information
Mairesse, Jacques & Laure Turner, 2006, Measurement and Explanation of the Intensity of Co-publication in Scientific Research: An Analysis at the Laboratory Level, in: Antonelli, C., et al. (eds), New Frontiers in the Economics of Innovation and New Technology: Essays in Honour of Paul A. David, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass.
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 2004, Intellectual property in services: What do we learn from innovation surveys?, in: Patents, Innovation and Economic Performance, OECD, Parijs
Mairesse, Jacques, Franz Palm & Pierre Mohnen, 2004, Intellectual Property in services: What do we learn from innovation surveys?, in: OECD (Ed.), Patents, Innovation and Economic Performance, OECD, Parijs
Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 2003, L’économétrie de l’innovation, in: under the direction of Philippe Mustard and Hervé Pénan, Encyclopédie de l’innovation, Economica, France
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 2003, L'économétrie de l'innovation, in: Mustard, P & Pénan, H, (eds.), Encyclopédie de l'innovation, Economica, Paris
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 2002, To be or not to be innovative : An exercise in measurement, in: Masao Nakamura (ed.), Alliances, Cooperative ventures and the Role of Government in the Knowledge Based Economy : Policy Issues for Canada and Beyond, The Centre for Japanese Research, The University of British Columbia
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 1999, Innovation et croissance, innovation et performances: Une revue de la littérature, in: Chiffres clés: Innovation et croissance, innovation et performances, SESSI, Secrétariat d’Etat à l’Industrie, Direction Générale de l’Industrie, des Technologies de l’Information et des Postes, Ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de l’Industrie

UNU-MERIT Working Papers
Cette, Gilbert, Jimmy Lopez, Jacques Mairesse & Giuseppe Nicoletti, 2020, Economic adjustment during the Great Recession: The role of managerial quality, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2020-048
Mairesse, Jacques, Michele Pezzoni & Fabiana Visentin, 2020, Does gender matter for promotion in science? Evidence from physicists in France, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2020-039
Rossello, Giulia, Robin Cowan & Jacques Mairesse, 2020, Ph.D. research output in STEM: the role of gender and race in supervision, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2020-021
Rivera Leon, Lorena, Jacques Mairesse & Robin Cowan, 2016, An econometric investigation of the productivity gender gap in Mexican research, and a simulation study of the effects on scientific performance of policy scenarios to promote gender equality, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2016-072
Dobbelaere, Sabien, Rodolfo Lauterbach & Jacques Mairesse, 2015, Micro-evidence on product and labor market regime differences between Chile and France, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2015-030
Dobbelaere, Sabien & Jacques Mairesse, 2015, Comparing micro-evidence on rent sharing from three different approaches, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2015-029
Cette, Gilbert, Jimmy Lopez & Jacques Mairesse, 2015, Product and labour market regulations, production prices, wages and productivity, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2015-028
Raymond, Wladimir, Jacques Mairesse, Pierre Mohnen & Franz Palm, 2013, Dynamic models of R&D, innovation and productivity: Panel data evidence for Dutch and French manufacturing, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2013-025
Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 2010, Using innovation surveys for econometric analysis, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2010-023
Hall, Bronwyn, Francesca Lotti & Jacques Mairesse, 2006, Employment, Innovation, and Productivity: Evidence from Italian Microdata., UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2006-043
Hall, Bronwyn, Jacques Mairesse & Laure Turner, 2006, Identifying Age, Cohort and Period Effects in Scientific Research Productivity - Discussion and Illustration Using Simulated and Actual Data on French Physicists , UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2006-042
Hall, Bronwyn & Jacques Mairesse, 2006, Empirical studies of innovation in the knowledge driven economy, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2006-028
Mohnen, Pierre, Jacques Mairesse & M.J. Dagenais, 2006, Innovativity: A comparison across seven European countries, UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2006-027

External working papers
Mairesse, Jacques, Michele Pezzoni & Fabiana Visentin, 2020, Does gender matter for promotion in academia? Evidence from physicists in France, NBER Working Paper No. 27789, More information
Mairesse, Jacques & Lorena Rivera Leon, 2017, Gender Gaps and Scientific Productivity in Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from Mexico, Inter-American Development Bank working Paper, More information
Mairesse, Jacques, Pierre Mohnen, Y. Zhao & Feng Zhen, 2012, Globalization, Innovation, and Productivity in Manufacturing Firms: A Study of Four Sectors of China, Working Paper DP-2012-10, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)

Research memoranda
Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 2004, The Importance of R&D for Innovation: A Reassessment Using French Survey Data, MERIT Research Memoranda 2004-022
Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 2001, To Be Or Not To Be Innovative: An Exercise In Measurement, MERIT Research Memoranda 2001-039

Research reports
Bourlès, R. , G. Cette, J. Lopez, Jacques Mairesse & Giuseppe Nicoletti, 2010, The Impact on Growth of Easing Regulations in the Upstream Sectors, CESifo DICE Report, 10(3), pp. 8-12

Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 2004, Intellectual property in services : What do we learn from innovation surveys?, in: OECD, Paris, Patents, Innovation and Economic Performance. Conference Proceedings, chapter 13, 227-246
Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 2002, To be or not to be innovative : An exercise in measurement, in: Masao Nakamura (ed.), Alliances, Cooperative ventures and the Role of Government in the Knowledge Based Economy : Policy Issues for Canada and Beyond, UBC Year of Japan Series, The Centre for Japanese Research, The University of British Columbia, 21-42
Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 1994, R&D and Productivity Growth: What Have we Learned from Econometric Studies?, in: Eunetic Conference on Evolutionary Economics of Technological Change: Assessment of Results and New Frontiers, Strasbourg, October 6-8, 1994, 817-888

Conference contributions
Notten, Ad, Jacques Mairesse & Bart Verspagen, 2016, The CDM framework: knowledge recombination from an evolutionary viewpoint, 16th International Schumpeter Society Conference, Montreal, 6-8 July 2016, More information
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 2007, A survey of innovation surveys: Taking stock of a growing literature, Paris, Banque de France conference on innovation
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 2007, A sur vey of innovation surveys: Taking stock of a growing literature, Monte Verità, Switzerland, CEPR and Banque de France conference on innovation
Hall, Bronwyn, Dominique Foray & Jacques Mairesse, 2007, Pitfalls in estimating the returns to corporate R&D using accounting data, Seville, Spain, EC Conference Knowledge for Growth
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 2004, Research, Innovation and Productivity: A New Look, Milaan, Schumpeter Society Conference
Mohnen, Pierre, Jacques Mairesse & E. Kremp, 2004, Research, Innovation and Productivity : A New Look, Middleburry College, seminar
Mohnen, Pierre, E. Kremp & Jacques Mairesse, 2004, Innovation and productivity on French CIS3 data, Marseille, 15th EC2 Conference The Econometrics of Industrial Organization
Mohnen, Pierre, Jacques Mairesse & E. Kremp, 2003, Research, Innovation and Productivity : A New Look, Paris, R&D, Education and Productivity, Conference in Honour of Zvi Griliches, Paris, August 25-27, 2003
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 2003, R&D and Productivity : the role of patents, Munich, EPIP workshop on New Challenges to the Patent System, Munich, April 24/25, 2003
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 2003, R&D and Productivity : A Re-examination in the Light of the Innovation Surveys, Mannheim, ZEW Workshop Empirical Economics of Innovation and Patenting, Mannheim, March 14-15, 2003
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 2003, R&D and Productivity : A Re-examination in the Light of the Innovation Surveys, Copenhagen, DRUID Summer Conference 2003, Copenhagen, June 12-14, 2003
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 2003, Intellectual property in services : what do we learn from innovation surveys? , Paris, OECD Conference on IPRs, Innovation and Economic Performance, Paris, August 28-29, 2003
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 2003, Accounting for innovation and productivity : a comparison across four European countries, Bruxelles, École Solvay, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 10-04-2003

Other (editorship, media appearance, keynote, etc.)
Mairesse, Jacques, Michele Pezzoni & Fabiana Visentin, 2020, When there is no gender discrimination in promotion in science, VoxEu, More information
Mairesse, Jacques, Pierre Mohnen & E. Kremp, 2010, The Importance of R&D and Innovation for Productivity: A Reexamination in Light of the 2000 French Innovation Survey, Annales d’Économie et de Statistique, 79/80, 487-527, 2005. (published in 2010, despite 2005 issue)
Raymond, Wladimir, Jacques Mairesse, Pierre Mohnen & Franz Palm, 2009, R&D, innovation and productivity in Dutch and French manufacturing: a panel data analysis, mimeo
Autant-Bernard, C., N. Massard & Jacques Mairesse (eds.), 2007, Papers in Regional Science, 86(3)
Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 2001, To be or not to be innovative : An exercice in measurement, STI Review. Special Issue on New Science and Technology Indicators, OECD, 27, 103-129
Mohnen, Pierre, Jacques Mairesse & M.J. Dagenais, 2001, The importance of being innovative: A comparison across seven European countries, Mimeo
Mairesse, Jacques & Pierre Mohnen, 1999, Recherche-développement, externalités et productivité : un survol de la littérature économétrique, in CNRS, Les Cahiers de l’Innovation, cahier no. 99019
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 1999, Innovation et croissance, innovation et performances : une revue de la littérature, in Chiffres clés : Innovation et croissance, innovation et performances, SESSI, Secrétariat d’Etat à l’Industrie, Direction Générale de l’Industrie, des Technologies de l’Information et des Postes, Ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de l’In
Mohnen, Pierre & Jacques Mairesse, 1999, Recherche-développement, externalités et productivité: Un survol de la littérature économétrique, CNRS, Les Cahiers de l’Innovation, cahier no. 99019